Wednesday 16 December 2009

..To Be Continued

Damn it, missed an entry.

Not a good start after only a week. Worried now this blog will disappear into the Internet ether (is that what an Ethernet is?), never to be heard from again, or to stand alone like a tumbleweed-strewn ghost town - never again a flicker to emerge from within.

I am busy though, you know. I don't get paid for this, you know. Only three people are reading this, you know.

So I won't panic just yet. I am disappointed in myself though - but seems I was setting too high a target to update every week day. Maybe I should aim lower. This has otherwise always been my standpoint since the time I pissed on that guy's epaulets in the urinal.

As it was, spent most of yesterday travelling to visit a customer so didn't have chance to reach an Internet communications device and tell you all (Three of you) about the exciting trip to Andover.

I've also been rather busy of late moving my Fiancée's hoarded junk into my flat (or 'our' flat, as I should now be calling it). Not only does she want me to marry her, now I have to live with her as well - for crying out loud, where will it end? She'll be wanting to sleep in the same bedroom before too long!


  1. Was that pic you are kindly showing the three of us taken 'before' or 'after' you have moved your Fiancée's hoarded junk into your flat?

  2. She's one of the three, so I'll politely decline to comment.

  3. FanaticalMrsOx4:10 pm


  4. ACTUALLY smart arse, it can be spelt either epaulet or epaulette.

    Both plural forms thus also fine.

    So bugger off, pedant!

  5. Mr FantasticOx, if the midget you wetted in the urinal was an individual d'expression française, then you should have writen 'épaulettes' (-é avec accent aigu).

  6. I am disappointed that either you Mr Ox, nor someone else from the three readers of the blog, has corrected my 'writen' to 'written'.
